Monday, August 29, 2005


Ok last night i reached a new level of dumbass-ness. I cut myself on a jar of peanut butter.





Ok hopefully you're done laughing now. So you're probably thinking, "Boy you have to be pretty damn stupid to be able to cut yourself on a cylindrical blunt plastic object." And i would have thought the same thing right up until i cut myself. But i was opening the jar (new jar... remember that part) and as i was just about finished unscrewing the lid, my thumb grazed the security seal (sealed for your protection.... and hers. ha ha ha) right at the part where they have the pull tab to pull it off. Well my thumb hit it at just the right angle to give me a papercut! It was so startling that i dropped/threw the lid when the pain hit (how often do you brace yourself for injury against a jar of JIF?)

It was a great weekend of doing nothing. Peter from Officespace would have been so proud of me. All weekend i did nothing and it was everything i could have hoped it would be. I slept till 1 pm on saturday and sunday and i think i was close to going into a coma from being so lazy. I would have worked out but the one bad point of the weekend was i slept wrong so my back/neck muscle was tight so it was hard to do physically active moves so i just skipped it and it's off to the gym tonight.

Random website of the week:
Pretty funny stuff.


Friday, August 26, 2005


Oh man it's been a rough couple of weeks.

Last week i got an email from a friend of mine i hadn't talked to in quite a while. He had told me how he had gotten into a major car accident. The craziest thing was it was a single car accident because he had fallen asleep! He decided to go cross country (all the way to canada even) to visit places he hadn't been to before and decided to drive the entire trip, by himself! That alone was a bit crazy but the fact he didn't die and isn't too badly hurt is amazing too. He swerved off of the road and flipped over and only has a herniated disc in his neck. So he had to wear a hard cast and then a soft cast on his neck for a few weeks but that's it.

This will (hopefully) be the first week i'll have more or less to myself in over a month. I plan on sleeeeeeeeeping tomallow. Mom packed up a nice big box that needs to be shipped to the Philippines but luckily they do door to door service so all i have to do tomallow is wake up, give them the money and the box and i'm done :)

The rest of the day i'm not sure about. My godparents son is coming into town to visit with his friends so i think i'll just need to pick him up from the airport. If that's the case, i'll be hitting the gym hard tomallow. Well i'm not sure if i'd want to get one of those Tread Climbs by Bowflex. All 3 of the ones at the gym were roped off the other night so i'm not sure if they're broken or what, but they've been there less than 5 weeks so that's probably not a good sign of durability.

Man i'm glad it's a long weekend next week. Just rest and relax! Plus i need to get caught up on my movie watching. There are a few i want to watch but just haven't had time to watch. To quote the Go Go's, "Vacation is all i ever wanted..."


Monday, August 15, 2005


Oh man! this weekend when Mark, Chris, Dada, and i went to Laughlin was fun! We went jet skiing. DUDE that is funnnnnn! I wish i had done it earlier. But i have to apologize to Chris because i accidently threw him off the jet ski when we were on it. I took a turn a bit sharp and hit a wave and next thing i knew i saw Chris flying off of the thing. Ooops!

We spent a few hours with Randy and Twei (still don't know how to spell her name) and Twei's family. We only stopped jet skiing because the things ran out of gas ha ha. Laughlin is like if Vegas were in the suburbs. It's smaller, more space, less traffic and there are old people everywhere. I think older people like it since it's more quiet and the pace is a little slower. They cater to war veterans too as they have flag raising ceremonies every morning at some hotels (not a bad thing but how often do you see that now a days?)

This weekend the earliest i went to bed was about 2 am i think. So needless to say, i'm tired!

Just this morning my friend Chris (different Chris) came into town for work and his cheap ass company won't give him any money allowance for a rental car! So i picked him up (EARLY at 8 am) and dropped him off at his hotel. They're working him to the bone hard tonight. he got in at 8 today and leaves at midnight tuesday (wednesday morning) so he won't be able to enjoy the city very much.

Well didn't work out this weekend (aside from gripping the jet ski hard so as not to fall off) but hope i can a few times this week.


Friday, August 12, 2005


Ah another fun filled weekend ahead! Tonight Mark, Dada, and Chris get in so undoubtedly more gambling and eating ha ha. Tomallow we'll be heading down to Laughlin (about 2 hours away) to experience gambling in a different Nevada city (but they actually have non smoking sections in the casino!) We're gonna go jet skiing (which should be fun since i've never gone before). We'll be meeting with Randy and Twei(sp?) so i'm sure we'll find ways to keep ourselves busy the whole day.

The pace of life is a little slower there so hopefully we won't feel rushed. Then on sunday we'll drive back here and then chill for the day and then pick up mom from the airport. Mark and company will go home on monday to avoid any traffic (plus we won't hit too much on the way back to vegas because no one GOES to vegas on sunday except people who live there).

Wednesday was a good chat night as i got to talk to my russian penpal whom i haven't talked to in a while. She has met a man in france and was staying with him in Paris for a month (well actually still is till next week) so her english is really getting a test (which she has flawless english already even in her written as she almost never makes mistakes in her grammar, i can't say that!).

Todays random exercise thought: Nothing too much today since i didn't work out at all yesterday. I'm gonna go to the gym tonight before Mark and them get here. Gotta do my 3rd day of a week on that treadclimber. The calves are still kinda sore but everything else feels great! (in Tony the Tiger voice). I'll try to work on strength tonight so maybe do some weights or something. Being Friday, i'll just go to the gym around 6 or 7 and it should be empty ha ha. But aside from jet skiing and doing some walking i doubt i'll be doing much exercise this weekend. And of course it'll be buffet for every meal too ha ha. I'm not sure if the yoga on wednesday helped or hurt my legs in trying to get the lead out of them. but my mid section feels good so maybe the legs were just hurting too much. The hip flexors are what hurt the most during the yoga class and those feel fine now.


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Peace... and ouch

It's weird this week as it's my first week in a while that i don't have any visitors or have to travel to LA. I just get to go home and do.... nothing. It's great! ha ha ha. Leo left monday so i've had up till today to do nothing and i've been making the most of it :)

Nothing new this week since i've just been too tired/lazy to do anything most of the time. Mark, Dada, Chris, and i will go to Laughlin this weekend (overnight trip) and then mom and lola come back on sunday.

Todays random exercise thought: I've finally started working out again this week. Man i've been so bad about it lately. I've only worked out once in the last 3 weeks (not counting the last two days). Well i take that back, i did do my 5 minute work out a few times here and there but that's about it. I was too tired to go to my Monday class so i skipped that. Tuesday i ran for 20 minutes (well 8 minutes and then struggled the other 12) and then did the Treadclimber ( for about 30 minutes. So i'll see if that 30 minutes 3 times a week thing works or not. Wednesday (or even tuesday night) i was in a world of pain. My right shin was/is hurting from the running pounding. I still gutted it out last night and worked out for about 2 hours. I did the ellipse machine for 20 minutes (i could i was not up to my normal health level on that too), walked for about 15 minutes, and then did another 30 minutes on the treadclimber. After that i went to my yoga class and even though i'd been working out for an hour, i was still stiff and my joints were hurting from the run the day before. I must've looked like an old man in there (and the only man too as the other dude who does it wasn't in there). Man says i've gained some weight and i think she was right. i was going between 160-165 back in March, but now am at 165 on a good day and i think the muscle is turning to fat so i weight even more :(

It was weird though as since i've been working out i haven't been hungry at night (but thirsty as hell!) and i'm craving salads for some reason. Even though i haven't been working out, my arm endurance has gotten a little better (i think). I was able to do 100 straight pushups the other night so either the endurance is better or i'm cheating doing the pushups :)

Either way, it's rest and take it easy tonight. Maybe some situps or something. Can't do squats as the legs hurt still.

that's all for now

Monday, August 01, 2005

Double Dannnnnng!

I guess i need to start calling this the monthly JB update now ha ha. Man yet another busy month (must be because it's summer). To start the month off (as in the month of July), i had a wedding to go to for my coworker Janice. The Sheraton Universal has a spectacular view of the city but i'm sure you're paying for that view too.
After the wedding and reception, I went to pick up Susan and we drove straight to Vegas (i wanted to go home! I'd been gone for 2 weeks!). Susan and i didn't leave LA till about 9:30 pm or so. Luckily since it was Saturday we didn't hit too much traffic once we were out of the city. We made it to Vegas by 1 am and that included a 20 minutes stop in Barstow to fill up the tank and stretch! In the month long annoying saga that was my washing machine, they stil hadn't fixed the damn thing yet! Man it sucks not having a washer so now i understand why Mark and Dada were so excited to get one in their new place. It took my complex a month to look at my machine and tell me it needed to be replaced (which i told them at the start). But to replace it only took a few days (they ordered a brand new one so mine is nice now). Mark and Dada were in town too so the 4 of us had a fun 3 day weekend. I spent on week back in Vegas but decided to make another trip to LA starting July 14-20 for work. I got back in time for Leo to get here and celebrate his 35th birthday! Now today my mom gets here with my non english speaking grandma so it should be another fun filled time. We go to LA again on thursday for Phil's engagement party this weekend. Then it's back here, Leo goes home, then Mark, Dada and Chris (Dada's cousin) come for the weekend, and then we'll go to the Avril Lavigne concert at the Hard Rock (need to go buy those tickets still). Then after that, they go home, mom gets back from LA and one more week of visitors. Mom leaves on Aug 23 and then it's hopefully gonna be back to normal for 30 minutes or so.

He he hopefully my next update will be before September.
