Friday, August 12, 2005


Ah another fun filled weekend ahead! Tonight Mark, Dada, and Chris get in so undoubtedly more gambling and eating ha ha. Tomallow we'll be heading down to Laughlin (about 2 hours away) to experience gambling in a different Nevada city (but they actually have non smoking sections in the casino!) We're gonna go jet skiing (which should be fun since i've never gone before). We'll be meeting with Randy and Twei(sp?) so i'm sure we'll find ways to keep ourselves busy the whole day.

The pace of life is a little slower there so hopefully we won't feel rushed. Then on sunday we'll drive back here and then chill for the day and then pick up mom from the airport. Mark and company will go home on monday to avoid any traffic (plus we won't hit too much on the way back to vegas because no one GOES to vegas on sunday except people who live there).

Wednesday was a good chat night as i got to talk to my russian penpal whom i haven't talked to in a while. She has met a man in france and was staying with him in Paris for a month (well actually still is till next week) so her english is really getting a test (which she has flawless english already even in her written as she almost never makes mistakes in her grammar, i can't say that!).

Todays random exercise thought: Nothing too much today since i didn't work out at all yesterday. I'm gonna go to the gym tonight before Mark and them get here. Gotta do my 3rd day of a week on that treadclimber. The calves are still kinda sore but everything else feels great! (in Tony the Tiger voice). I'll try to work on strength tonight so maybe do some weights or something. Being Friday, i'll just go to the gym around 6 or 7 and it should be empty ha ha. But aside from jet skiing and doing some walking i doubt i'll be doing much exercise this weekend. And of course it'll be buffet for every meal too ha ha. I'm not sure if the yoga on wednesday helped or hurt my legs in trying to get the lead out of them. but my mid section feels good so maybe the legs were just hurting too much. The hip flexors are what hurt the most during the yoga class and those feel fine now.



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