Thursday, August 11, 2005

Peace... and ouch

It's weird this week as it's my first week in a while that i don't have any visitors or have to travel to LA. I just get to go home and do.... nothing. It's great! ha ha ha. Leo left monday so i've had up till today to do nothing and i've been making the most of it :)

Nothing new this week since i've just been too tired/lazy to do anything most of the time. Mark, Dada, Chris, and i will go to Laughlin this weekend (overnight trip) and then mom and lola come back on sunday.

Todays random exercise thought: I've finally started working out again this week. Man i've been so bad about it lately. I've only worked out once in the last 3 weeks (not counting the last two days). Well i take that back, i did do my 5 minute work out a few times here and there but that's about it. I was too tired to go to my Monday class so i skipped that. Tuesday i ran for 20 minutes (well 8 minutes and then struggled the other 12) and then did the Treadclimber ( for about 30 minutes. So i'll see if that 30 minutes 3 times a week thing works or not. Wednesday (or even tuesday night) i was in a world of pain. My right shin was/is hurting from the running pounding. I still gutted it out last night and worked out for about 2 hours. I did the ellipse machine for 20 minutes (i could i was not up to my normal health level on that too), walked for about 15 minutes, and then did another 30 minutes on the treadclimber. After that i went to my yoga class and even though i'd been working out for an hour, i was still stiff and my joints were hurting from the run the day before. I must've looked like an old man in there (and the only man too as the other dude who does it wasn't in there). Man says i've gained some weight and i think she was right. i was going between 160-165 back in March, but now am at 165 on a good day and i think the muscle is turning to fat so i weight even more :(

It was weird though as since i've been working out i haven't been hungry at night (but thirsty as hell!) and i'm craving salads for some reason. Even though i haven't been working out, my arm endurance has gotten a little better (i think). I was able to do 100 straight pushups the other night so either the endurance is better or i'm cheating doing the pushups :)

Either way, it's rest and take it easy tonight. Maybe some situps or something. Can't do squats as the legs hurt still.

that's all for now


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