Tuesday, May 17, 2005



Today's movie review is for Startup.com

This movie was released a few years ago and it documents the rise and fall of a dot com company that had a great idea but was not suited for the private sector to handle. They were the first (or one of the first) to make a website where you could link to various municiple websites to pay your parking tickets or licenses or stuff like that. Great idea but not all cities were receptive to the idea. Then of course they got caught in the big dot com bomb that exploded in 2000 (that eventually cost me my job too!)

Tomallow (meaning what i'll be watching tonight) i'll be reviewing Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and Disc 1 of the Joe Schmo Show. Well i guess i could do an initial Batman one now. It's good! But no extras on the disk :(

the Joe Schmo is the uncensored one so we'll have to see what's new in it (aside the removal of the blurred stuff).

no major workout thought as i skipped the gym yesterday. Quads were still hurting and i had to go to Costco. I did do the 5 minute workout last night though and the gymnast bridge to stretch my back and neck out though. The 50 squats squeezed out all the lactic acid so the legs aren't sore anymore so back to the gym tonight!



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