Monday, May 16, 2005


i watched the movie Super Size Me yesterday. I don't know if it was something unconscious but i got McDonald's for lunch yesterday before i watched it and man the food looked and tasted extra good due to that! I had actually gone to Mcdo for breakfast (10:50) but the one by my place stops serving breakfast at 10:30! Mark and Phil were right, i was getting hungry for Mcdo watching it (i watched it in two parts) in the evening i had a salad for dinner but wanted more Mcdo! So i went to get breakfast from there this morning :)

Man i couldn't believe that Morgan's (the dude in the movie) health went to hell so quickly. He gained 25 lbs in one month (he was really thin to begin with so he didn't look too bad afterwards) but all his internal stuff went downhill. I guess i'm glad i cut back on the sugar but i guess i should eat more natural foods as the doctor in the movie said that all that crap in Mcdo food can increase uric acid output and that probably won't help me gout any.

Hotel JB was empty this weekend which is good since the employee was tired and just slept all weekend :) Felt good to be lazy again :) 3 MORE DAYS! 3 MORE DAYS!
I was looking up some stuff on the Star Wars premiere in Cannes and i was shocked to see Natalie Portman shaved her head (see here) for a new movie she's doing.

I saw the last Star Trek episode on friday and it wasn't that bad. It kinda was like another episode of Next Generation (that isn't a bad thing). Maybe it'll be a good thing the franchise is put to rest for a while. When you think about it, when you've made over 600 hours worth of tv shows it can be hard to come up with fresh ideas for stuff sometimes. So now it's off to Battlestar Galactica ha ha. If this had happened (ok i'm going to into geek mode here and gasp maybe even taking myself out of my star trek closet) 6 years ago during/after Deep Space 9, i probably would've been devastated but since the quality has consistantly gone down since then (it's hard to top DS9) i don't feel like i'll miss it much ha ha.

Todays random exercise thought: Oh man Friday night was a Milestone for me. I was able to do 100 squats in a row! I've never been able to do that many. My previous record was 78 but i really pushed my body (i had done 4 sets of 25 each earlier that night and didn't even feel it so i thought i could do it). Buuuut man! on saturday till now i'm still feeling it! My Quads are still killing me! Hopefully i'll be ok when i go to the gym tonight.



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