Thursday, April 14, 2005

ha ha ha

Oh Man yesterday was my major realization that i live in Vegas. On my way to the gym last night, i saw ELVIS at the bus stop! i almost crashed my car because i was laughing so hard. I mean this dude was in full purple polyester garb and had the hair and everything. In any other city that would seem odd, but hey, it's Vegas! The new list of what tv shows that will be renewed and what tv shows will be cancelled has come out (as well as shows on the bubble). You can look at it here

That made me realize i don't watch enough tv! There were some shows on the schedule i'd never even heard of! Like Jonny Zero on Fox or the Mountain on WB or Rodney on ABC. And did they ever reveal who the "boss" was in My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss? I know the show got destroyed in the ratings because of Desperate Housewives but it was so funny watching all those ass kissers on that show. And it was funny seeing how ignorant they were yet still trying to be ass kissing. Like when this one guy was drinking this champagne (which they said they bought for like $3 at a 7-11). He said it was "aged perfectly". Hello! This isn't wine! Champagne is pre-aged before it's sold you dumbass. Plus since it's cheap champagne they probably didn't even age it in the first place.

One show notably on the schedule to get the axe is Star Trek: Enterprise aka Star Trek: The Phantom Menace called that due to the fact that they were blatantly trying to capitalize on the whole "prequel" craze. The problem is that the show sucked! Yes as big as a star trek fan as i am, i found this show extremely boring to watch. It was very anti climatic too. You know no one is gonna die, earth won't get blown up or anything, the Federation will still be there, and why the hell does this ship look better than the one on the Original Star Trek? Believe it or not, out of the 4 years it's been on, i think i've only seen about 1.5 years worth of episodes total (including bits and pieces of several episodes).

Hehe, enough of my star trek geekiness. I'm really gonna be sad if Committed isn't renewed. That show was freaking funny! It was like Titus (though not as extreme and that comes out on DVD in Sept!) in that it was just completely messed up and took really weird subject matter and made it funny!

Looking at the rest of the schedule made me realize i don't really watch a lot on broadcast tv. Mondays are only interesting during football season, Tuesday will suck without Committed, Wednesday has Alias and Lost (has that show resolved anything yet this season?), Thursday has the Apprentice (but i haven't watched it lately since it just seems to be turning into a big advertising commerical, plus all the people this season are ugly he he. I don't want to watch a tv full of people who look like me!). It seems i waste a lot of my time watching reruns of the Simpsons and reruns of Futurama and Family Guy on Cartoon Network. And only 3 more weeks till Family Guy comes back! YES!

Todays random exercise thought: Whew another tough Piyo class last night (must be because i'm running before the class, but for some reason i was really stiff feeling last night). I think i've progressed enough that i can start running more without the embarrassment of huffing and puffing like i'm gonna die when run, so i'm gonna start putting that back into the workout. Plus i'm gonna start putting in my isometric exercises too since i think my body is getting to used to my workouts lately (ie i'm not losing weight!)

Happy Birthday to my cousin Girlie and get those taxes done if you haven't yet!



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