Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm like going to LA

But i'm not going to the Province (better known as the Valley to the non Pinoys). I'm gonna be in the OC area. Tomorrow i'm Leaving Las Vegas (it's a song and an Oscar winning movie!) to help out in the LA office for a week or so. So bring on the smog, traffic and um more traffic. Ahh man that's one thing i don't miss about LA. Even bad traffic here doesn't compare to LA. It'll be a mini family reunion since mom will be in LA and Richo will be there till Tuesday night.

Man these allergies are sucking! i'm congested still and my eyes are still watery and puffy. Glad i have those Puff's Plus kleenex's (yes i know that's basically two brands listed) otherwise my nose would be raw. Even some Claretin i bought yesterday hasn't been super effective (it worked yesterday but hasn't been too good today). I felt fine till i walked out of the house this morning.

Todays random exercise thought: I'll be putting my 5 minute workout to the test this week and next week since time will be a lot more limited. But i won't mind taking it easy for a few days. Over the weekend i (both involuntarily and somewhat voluntarily) didn't eat a whole lot and was exercising like crazy! Man i was at the gym on saturday night at like 11 pm and there were still like 5 people in the sauna! what's up with that? i was doing a lot of cardio work on friday and saturday (the right knee was a bit sore while running so that kinda disappointed me so i had to lay off that). But did alot of elliptical work and some biking and stair climber. Sunday i was trying to do weights but almost killed myself at one point when i was picking up 130 lbs (two 65lb barbells) and almost dropped one on myself when my right arm ran out of strength (that lack of eating was catching up to me). Next weekend i'll be working Mark out some at the gym he he. We'll have to see if we can cram in a X-Press class at the gym or not.

So for this week i think i'll be concentrating on doing some of the abs exercises i've learned in my Piyo class, the squats, push ups, and the "wall chair" workout. That should keep me ok till the weekend.



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