Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Well not much to talk about today so i'll just jump straight to the exercise stuff

Today's random exercise thought: Ouuuuch! man i am sore! the SET class from yesterday was tiring (i don't care what lifting/aerobic workout you do for an hour, it'll tire you out especially if you don't take a break the whole time!). But actually the main reason why i'm hurting is the squats i mentioned yesterday. A variation i've started doing recently is to do some sort of exercise while watching tv. In this instance i'll do 25 squats every two minutes. I did 10 sets over roughly 20 minutes or so. Doesn't seem like much but when your body is kinda spent from the earlier workout it can tire you a bit (especially with my out of shape ass). But man this morning OUCH! My quads are sore and my hip flexors too. It's a good sore though. Not like that really sore when you go running after 2 months of not running. It's a "good hurt" as they say. he he.

Other "tv exercises" i do is to do push ups or sit ups during commercials. Good time management huh? One tough one is doing the "wall chair" exercise. Lean against the wall and bend your knees like you're sitting down. That's it! Now see how long you can hold it.

Hmmm there are still some New Years Resolution stragglers left at the gym (maybe because it was monday). A tell tale sign (life i said before) are people who are hanging onto the treadmill for dear life (even at low speeds) and a line at the A-Bench sit up machine. We'll see how it is tonight.



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