Friday, March 04, 2005

Thoughts for today


Today's random thoughts. I'm sleepy! And contrary to what Bambi put in her comments i'm supposed to be sleeping in that Friendster pic, not taking a dump! I guess i'll take a pic of me taking a dump next time ha ha.

If the weather cooperates this weekend i'll be doing what every Super Bowl MVP (except for this year) says. "I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND!"

If it does rain, then i'm going to bed and sleeping all weekend! he he.

Today's random website:
Is this dude right? Is he whacked? is he both? Well much like a Jerry Springer episode, who cares, it's entertaining.

Today's random exercise thought:
It's March! All the damn New Years resolution people have stopped going so i finally get my gym back in peace now. You could always tell the types (i've gone to 4 different gyms over 10 years and see it every year). 2nd week of January TONS of people i've never seen at the gym before. Some are on the treadmill (clinging to that thing for dear life even though they're only going 3 or 4 mph) but most are on the elliptical machines (they look like this: if you haven't seen one). Translation: They want to try to get in shape but don't want to try too hard he he. But the elliptical machines are good (i use them since they are less stressful on the knees and if you go fast it'll work your cardio out). Anyways, by the end of January, the herd starts to thin a bit as it's too hard for people to work out. Usually by around Mid Feb, it's almost all the regulars only. But this year they stayed longer. Now that the parents are gone it's time to jump back into my 5 day a week routine (as soon as i get back from LA he he).



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