Tuesday, April 19, 2005

wohoo and ouch!

Wohoo! One more month till star wars and they're posting more commericals and stuff on the starwars.com website. They haven't announced IMAX theater dates yet so i don't think it'll be a simultaneous release. Doh! Hehe well i guess it'll be an excuse to see it 3 or 4 times ha ha. And Mark or Dada if you're reading this i'll answer the question probably in your minds. NO I WILL NOT DRESS UP AS A STAR WARS PERSON OR BRING THE LIGHTSABER TO THE THEATER!!!! I'm a closet Star Trek/Star Wars geek (there is a difference between the two. One is cool, the other will get your ass kicked! ha ha ha). Why do you think Star Wars is nominated for Oscars and people laugh at Trekkies?

This movie looks pretty cool and if it's as good (plot and storywise) as it looks then this might beat Empire Strikes Back as the best of them (my favorite of the 5 so far).

Todays random exercise thought: Man i don't know if it was the sore legs or what yesterday but during my body sculpting class yesterday i was about to die. i was running out of gas quickly for some reason. Oh and of course the one time i'm able to get there a little early the class isn't that full (the class has been packed the last few weeks). I wasn't surprised i was about to fall over while doing the squats or lunges but my lower back was really hurting too (well sore not hurting) so i had a hard time doing the dead drop lifts. After class i was fine so it was just the leg soreness still. I stretched the back out a lot when i got home so it didn't hurt at all today. Oooooh but man the legs really hurt today. Back in my younger days if my legs were sore, i'd just go run a mile or so and they'd stop hurting. Nope not today. i was hurting even worse today! Maybe i'll have to take tonight off from working out. That or maybe do some weights or the bike.



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