Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Horror... Again!

Been a rough week. Need sleep!

In yet another example of how my cowardice and indecisiveness have cause the world more harm, I saw Carrot Top at my gym again. This guy is FREAKY looking! He's even scarier looking in real life! He used to just be annoying looking, but now he looks like a 'roid freak so juiced up he could rip your hand off by shaking it. Surprisingly enough, he didn't bring a pair of work out gloves so he was buying some there. Why can't Heidi Klum or Christina Ricci work out at my gym? Interestingly enough, NO ONE talks to this guy when he works out (probably due to fear). But I did hear a few of the trainers there saying he looked really juiced up (like more than usual). I could have rid the world of a major annoyance if i could have gotten up the courage to off him but he probably would have been able to crush my whole body before i got close enough to "hurt" him.

This weekend marks the one year anniversary of my dad needing to have open heart surgery. That was a very rough weekend for the whole family, but we all prayed a lot, and dad is doing great.

Another birthday down and if i'm dead tomorrow it's because i'm trying to make cookies from scratch tonight!

I'm hoping and praying there is some rhyme or reason as to how the Chiefs did their draft this weekend. They didn't even draft any offense till the 6th round! But we do have the distiction of picking Mr. Irrelevant. So I'm hoping they're gonna go offense crazy shopping on the free agent market soon? Hopefully?.......