Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Yesterday there was a collective "OH CRAP!" heard throughout the US when news that software firm Too Much Media announced that thousands of identities were stolen from porn sites through out the nation! The Horror! The Humor!

I guess this will be a bad joke to bring up at the porn convention this week.

In what was giving me flashbacks to the Chevy Chase movie Vacation, a family went on a roadtrip with their dead Grandma in the back!

Ohhhh man 3 day weekend coming up so I'm going to do my best to sleep and watch football but alas, it's only Tuesday :(

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Year in Review

Ah, 2008. What an interesting 2 weeks so far. The stock market is tanking, our economy is going down the tubes, mortgage related layoffs are over 100k, and most importantly, I was right about the Chiefs sucking!

It was quite a depressing football season watching the Chiefs continue a downward spiral due to a complete moron running the offense, a 5 year and running anemic defense, and a coach can't coach. Now all I can hope for is that 3 draft pick next year (depending on if we win the coin toss).

Well with the Colts (my preseason pick for the SuperBowl) out, I think it'll be Patriots and Packers (1996 all over again) except that the Patriots will be winning. I'll decide if i'll bet on it or not though :)

So 2 weeks into the year only and last night I was reading about a possible contender for the 2008 Darwin Award winner. The article is HERE at CNN.COM. A guy tried to slide down an escalator (while drunk) and fell off. In a twisted sense of irony, he died when he fell ONTO another escalator! This just shows God has a sense of humor. At least he did it in style as he died at the Hollywood mall (at Hollywood & Highland) which is where the Oscars and all big film premieres are held (also where Marky Mark and his Italian Job crew stole that safe with all of the gold in it).

It was a good Holiday season. Mom and dad came to visit (both LA and Vegas) for Christmas which is the first time they've been in the states for Christmas since they moved back. And mom made this prime rib that was sooooooooooooooo good. It was like Las Vegas buffet quality (this excludes the Excalibur, Palms, Wynn, Orleans, and Gold Coast when i make this statement so don't eat the Prime Rib at these places). But all that is over so it's back to stupid reality (speaking of which the Simpsons Movie is still just as funny the second time I watched it, Dave will probably be the only one who gets this joke).
