Monday, June 16, 2008


It's been an interesting few months. I turned 33 in April(and for the geeks, the Battlestar Galactica episode titled "33" is probably one of the best of the entire series) and in the same week, dad had to have surgery which was a pretty stressful ordeal. Luckily dad is ok so that's one less worry for the family.
This makes me realize I need a vacation!

It was good to see my friend Jennie for her big 3-0 a few weeks ago. Jen and I have been falling behind on our monthly chats and our annual get togethers (we're at every other year right now) so it was good to catch up with her. It just felt like an old glove (non OJ version). Speaking of OJ, this skit from Madtv is still a classic

Dad is still recovering from surgery (it's only been about 6 weeks) so mom asked me to go back with them to the Philippines. VACATION! problem solved! It's been about 4 years since I've been to the Philippines so it was about time to go back again. Naturally I had one priority while back there. Getting a Massage (and not the Thailand kind either! I mean STRICTLY a massage!). There is this great place in pinas (the Philippines) called (creatively enough) THE SPA
I had 2 other priorities and they were to see my penpal Myla (localed on Friendster here) and see my cousins Jill and Jennifer). Well.... 2 out of 3 things wasn't bad! Sorry Jill and Jen! More on the Philippines in the next blog.

A few weeks ago I filled up my gas tank and almost had a heart attack. It cost me $53 to fill up! Man that was rough. SO my monthly gas expenditure has jumped from about $65 last year at this time to over $100! Man i'm glad I don't have to drive much in Vegas (and everything is fairly quick or close to get to).


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