Monday, April 25, 2005

Just Shoot Me

I think i'm becoming more asian in one aspect. I'm becoming more and more like my good buddy Jennie Ho. Much like her, i am randomly, unintentionally, and unexplainably hurting myself doing simple things like walking.... or nothing! On Friday morning when i was in LA, my left foot just started hurting like hell (not my gout, a whole different type of hurt!). All i did was just fly to LA! So i was kinda hobbling around over the whole weekend but i managed. Ate a lot of food though. Had the woodranch grill on friday (the food was ok). On saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. Man that place was busy with kids! We ate and played games for a few hours and went home for a while. We then went to Boomers to play more games as we weren't quite hungry yet for dinner. We went to Houstons for dinner and man that steak was gooooooooood. Their prime rib is always good. But man they are always cutting corners at that restaurant. Years ago you used to get a salad with your meal but nope now (and their salad is really good)! Then i noticed they don't give you a choice for your side (just fries now). And now they don't even give you that many fries! (but man those fries are good).

I more or less got all the presents i asked for :)
I got my DVD wallet (by surprise! thanks Jacq) and my scale. My aunt gave me money but it was enough to cover the other 2 requests :)

So i think i'll have to take it easy today as the foot still hurts (i wish i knew why dammit). I guess since the 30 year warranty on my body ran out, it's starting to break down.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Today Sucks!

Man this sucks! I'm sick on my birthday. That's like getting laid off when you're on vacation (oh wait, that's happened to me too! Thank you very much Alcatel!). Yesterday morning i woke up with a sore throat but after drinking a few glasses of water i was fine. And then i was also fine at work. But like 20 minutes before going home my head and throat started hurting. I was debating about going to the gym but luckily i forgot my yoga mat so i went home first (i have to pass by the house to go to the gym). But as i was moving around the house, my head was hurting more and my body was aching so i knew i had to stay home. I went to bed at 8:30 last night even!

So tonight i'll be off to LA and will more than likely be gorging myself with lots of food. The tenative plans we have for saturday will be:

1. Chuck E Cheese for lunch (Sannie has never been there). But i told her, birthday or not, i'm not letting some strange person in a mouse costume slap my ass!
2. Boomers for games and mini golf (weather permitting)
3. Houstons for dinner (haven't been there since last birthday ha ha).

I can't believe it has to rain all weekend dammit! Ok non californians, some natives here (or at least people who have lived here for a while) don't believe some of the following generalizations we make about LA:

1. Anything from Magic Mountain area to Irvine is considered "LA" and we just call it LA until you're in the San Diego area
2. The weather is always nice (well kinda true)
3. It's all white people and movie stars (and if you've ever been to 6th & Alvarado you know tht's not true!)
4. black people only live in the hood
5. They think you really can drive around LA as fast as they do in 24
6. We see movie stars everywhere
7. Everyone in LA is a tree hugging vegetarian
8. Everyone is thin and pretty

I thought most of these things before i moved to LA. Man LA looks more like a foreign country than Canada! When i went to Niagara Falls it was like ALL white people there and it looked like Mayberry too.

No exercise thoughts today since i was sick.

Remember you still have time to buy me those presents i asked for ha ha ha.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

wohoo and ouch!

Wohoo! One more month till star wars and they're posting more commericals and stuff on the website. They haven't announced IMAX theater dates yet so i don't think it'll be a simultaneous release. Doh! Hehe well i guess it'll be an excuse to see it 3 or 4 times ha ha. And Mark or Dada if you're reading this i'll answer the question probably in your minds. NO I WILL NOT DRESS UP AS A STAR WARS PERSON OR BRING THE LIGHTSABER TO THE THEATER!!!! I'm a closet Star Trek/Star Wars geek (there is a difference between the two. One is cool, the other will get your ass kicked! ha ha ha). Why do you think Star Wars is nominated for Oscars and people laugh at Trekkies?

This movie looks pretty cool and if it's as good (plot and storywise) as it looks then this might beat Empire Strikes Back as the best of them (my favorite of the 5 so far).

Todays random exercise thought: Man i don't know if it was the sore legs or what yesterday but during my body sculpting class yesterday i was about to die. i was running out of gas quickly for some reason. Oh and of course the one time i'm able to get there a little early the class isn't that full (the class has been packed the last few weeks). I wasn't surprised i was about to fall over while doing the squats or lunges but my lower back was really hurting too (well sore not hurting) so i had a hard time doing the dead drop lifts. After class i was fine so it was just the leg soreness still. I stretched the back out a lot when i got home so it didn't hurt at all today. Oooooh but man the legs really hurt today. Back in my younger days if my legs were sore, i'd just go run a mile or so and they'd stop hurting. Nope not today. i was hurting even worse today! Maybe i'll have to take tonight off from working out. That or maybe do some weights or the bike.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday Monday

Oh man i did not want to get up this morning! Technically i guess i should say i didn't want to get up today since i didn't fall asleep till like 3 am this morning so it was more like a bad nap than a bad night's sleep ha ha. For some reason all day yesterday and even up to now, i'm just starving. Probably not good for my diet either if i keep wanting to eat! 3 more days and i'll be in LA and 30 years old.
This weekend a friend (and a work client) named Susan stopped by. We met up at her hotel on friday and luckily i was a bit early. While waiting for her i played some wheel of fortune and i won $27 in only 10 pulls and i got 2 spins in a row! Never had that happen before! One Month till Star Wars! (well technically one month one day).
Oh another thing i guess i could add to my birthday wishlist is Star Trek: First contact Special Edition (it's 2 disks)

Todays random exercise thought: Whew did 500 squats yesterday (25 at a time) and man my quads are SORE. It should make it interesting to see how well i can do my monday night workout. It's getting hotter here in Vegas so i've been drinking noticably more water. I think all that water flushing through my system is helping to push out the uric acid crystals (even without the gout pills) so the foot is feeling good right now.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

ha ha ha

Oh Man yesterday was my major realization that i live in Vegas. On my way to the gym last night, i saw ELVIS at the bus stop! i almost crashed my car because i was laughing so hard. I mean this dude was in full purple polyester garb and had the hair and everything. In any other city that would seem odd, but hey, it's Vegas! The new list of what tv shows that will be renewed and what tv shows will be cancelled has come out (as well as shows on the bubble). You can look at it here

That made me realize i don't watch enough tv! There were some shows on the schedule i'd never even heard of! Like Jonny Zero on Fox or the Mountain on WB or Rodney on ABC. And did they ever reveal who the "boss" was in My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss? I know the show got destroyed in the ratings because of Desperate Housewives but it was so funny watching all those ass kissers on that show. And it was funny seeing how ignorant they were yet still trying to be ass kissing. Like when this one guy was drinking this champagne (which they said they bought for like $3 at a 7-11). He said it was "aged perfectly". Hello! This isn't wine! Champagne is pre-aged before it's sold you dumbass. Plus since it's cheap champagne they probably didn't even age it in the first place.

One show notably on the schedule to get the axe is Star Trek: Enterprise aka Star Trek: The Phantom Menace called that due to the fact that they were blatantly trying to capitalize on the whole "prequel" craze. The problem is that the show sucked! Yes as big as a star trek fan as i am, i found this show extremely boring to watch. It was very anti climatic too. You know no one is gonna die, earth won't get blown up or anything, the Federation will still be there, and why the hell does this ship look better than the one on the Original Star Trek? Believe it or not, out of the 4 years it's been on, i think i've only seen about 1.5 years worth of episodes total (including bits and pieces of several episodes).

Hehe, enough of my star trek geekiness. I'm really gonna be sad if Committed isn't renewed. That show was freaking funny! It was like Titus (though not as extreme and that comes out on DVD in Sept!) in that it was just completely messed up and took really weird subject matter and made it funny!

Looking at the rest of the schedule made me realize i don't really watch a lot on broadcast tv. Mondays are only interesting during football season, Tuesday will suck without Committed, Wednesday has Alias and Lost (has that show resolved anything yet this season?), Thursday has the Apprentice (but i haven't watched it lately since it just seems to be turning into a big advertising commerical, plus all the people this season are ugly he he. I don't want to watch a tv full of people who look like me!). It seems i waste a lot of my time watching reruns of the Simpsons and reruns of Futurama and Family Guy on Cartoon Network. And only 3 more weeks till Family Guy comes back! YES!

Todays random exercise thought: Whew another tough Piyo class last night (must be because i'm running before the class, but for some reason i was really stiff feeling last night). I think i've progressed enough that i can start running more without the embarrassment of huffing and puffing like i'm gonna die when run, so i'm gonna start putting that back into the workout. Plus i'm gonna start putting in my isometric exercises too since i think my body is getting to used to my workouts lately (ie i'm not losing weight!)

Happy Birthday to my cousin Girlie and get those taxes done if you haven't yet!


Monday, April 11, 2005

gimme gimme gimme!

Well as is a fine tradition in the US, i'm going to shamelessly post my birthday wish list! he he (this may be updated a few times too!)

1. a really big CD/DVD wallet (like 128-256 pocket kind)
2. an electronic scale (so i can see how fat i am ha ha)
3. 512 megs of Geil RAM. CLICK HERE for an example (the most expensive of the 3 wishes)
4. uuuummmm ok i can only think of 3 things

See i'm simple to shop for he he. If anyone wants to buy me a nice house here in Vegas that'd be nice too! ha ha.

Oh man it was great this weekend. Had the whole weekend to myself so i just sleeeeeeeeept. Man i was so lazy i think i was slipping into a coma. Saturday was the worst. I got up at 12 or so, moped around a bit, did some shopping at Walmart, went to church, and then went back to bed! Then i decided to get up again around 8pm and then watched tv and then went back to bed again. But man it felt goooood. First weekend of rest i've had in a while.

It would have been nice to have a 3 day weekend as two days of being lazy just wasn't enough. But it had a very negative effect too :(
When you have a guy and a woman in the house and there is nothing to do, you get busy. When it's just a guy (say me in this instance) i just eat and watch tv.

Todays random exercise thought: Whew got fat this weekend with all that eating and only moving during my trips to the bathroom. I worked out on the ellipse machine for an hour yesterday and did some weights. I did something i read in a Bruce Lee book. Lie down on a declined bench (like a sit up bench) and then do arm curls with the arms hanging free downward to start off (and start with low weight as this is harder than normal curls!) i did 25 lbs first and felt like my arms were gonna get ripped off (Fezzik tear his arms off haha)! So i lowered it down to 20 lbs and that wasn't too bad, but this morning my left bicep was really hurting so i guess it did it's job. After examining why i haven't been losing any weight lately i think it's because i've been ingesting too many artificial foods like soda pop (even the diet stuff) as they have lots of chemicals in them that probably aren't healthy for you. And (this sounds nuts) i haven't been eating buffets enough here! When i eat a buffet here i eat a lot of salad too and since i haven't been eating that i've been filling my body with other foods that aren't as healthy he he. So i'll make sure to eat more buffets this week :)


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Umm Happy Birthday to my car. Mine is still weeks away. I still remember this day last year when i drove my troubled Mazda 626 down to Westminster and went two hours filling out paperwork to get my car (despite the fact that my loan had been approved, the price set, and just about everything was already done). Westminster Honda was the best car experience ever! Absolutely no pressure (really Phil, no pressure ha ha). A few days after i bought my baby i realized that they didn't even ask me if i wanted to add a spoiler to my car! It was great and if i need to buy another honda in the near future i'd go there :)

So for today (maybe tomorrow), i'm gonna have to give the baby a really good washing and waxing to really give her that new car shine again. I washed her last week but she's still got some dirt on her from when i drove back from LA. Overall she still looks and handles great (aside from that VTEC oil regulator problem from a few weeks ago)

Todays random exercise thought: Good Lord i think my Piyo instructor was trying to kill me last night. She really gave us a workout last night (and it could be that since i went running before the class i was tired and my hip joints were already sore). Just 1/3 of the way through i was hurting everywhere and really sweating up a storm (the AC wasn't on in the room for some reason). But the kicker was the last 10 minutes of the class. She was doing so much ab work i was ready to cry. I was hurting during/after that. Of the 5 exercises we did, i had to take a break in 4 of them because i was just running out of gas. And the thing that pisses me off is that she is doing all the exercises while talking and her voice isn't struggling at all! I could barely breathe while doing this much less talk and give instructions.

Overall yesterday was a good workout day. Ran for 25 minutes, did some weights, and then the Piyo class. But i think i need to start altering my workouts as i think i'm hitting a plateau. I'll probably need to do some outdoor running (as opposed to the treadmill) to change up things (and make me sweat more as i am in Las Vegas!) That or maybe i'll switch over to weights exclusively for a day or two during the week. We'll see. Maybe i'm just eating the wrong foods at night so i'm just staying even on my weight. Maybe it's been because i've been drinking Pepsi One (it tastes better now that it's flavored with Splenda) instead of water and Hawaiian Punch. Ha ha or maybe i need to stop sitting on my butt so much :)

Tonight i'll do an hour of cardio and then hit the weights for 30-40 minutes (and i think i'll eat dinner first and then go work out).


Wednesday, April 06, 2005



The Tar Heels won! Now why the hell couldn't Roy Williams do that when he was coaching KU all those years? Oh man i was just laaaaaaaazy last night. I just went home and took a nap. Then i got up and watched some tv and then went back to bed. Man made me feel like I was in college again ha ha. This one semester my two roommates would either watch Die Hard or A Few Good Men everyday! I had those two movies memorized for a long time after that. Ahhh the good old days.

Man it's Wednesday already? Man this week has just flown by and all i'm doing is just being lazy.
Only about 2 more weeks till my birthday but at least i don't look 30 yet :)

Todays random exercise thought: My monday class has gone through a routine change so we changed up some of the exercises and the music. Some of the new music is depressing sounding so i'm gonna have to talk to the instructor about that. Well last Saturday i finally got down to where i was before i went to LA so now i'm about 160 again. But i'm way behind schedule since i wanted to be around 150 at this point :(

So it's exercise every morning (Homer Simpson quote). But i think eating pizza hut saturday and sunday probably didn't help me out any ha ha. Well you can only make so many sacrifices when you're losing weight and you can only give up pizza hut for so long :) . Mmmmmm maybe i'll have that for lunch today :)
