Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Phew! Been a while since i made a post. Well last monday marked my first year in Vegas! Man i can't believe it's been a year already. What do i have to show for it? Year older, slightly (very slightly) slimmer (which is a shock since i'm in buffet capital), and back in the heat (just like in Texas).

I was looking forward to having a nice quiet 3 day weekend of catching up on DVDs i haven't had a chance to watch yet, but last week Hotel JB got a room reservation request. Susan and her friends wanted to come again so i knew it'd be non stop eating! Ha ha ha. And eating we did! My tongue and tastebuds are overwhelmed and overused from all that food we ate! I ate a buffet almost every meal this weekend (solly i consider today the start of the week since i mostly didn't need to work yesterday). Friday night when they got here, we went for the midnight specials at the Goldcoast. Saturday i had Makino sushi (excellent place) for lunch and Sam's Town for dinner (it was prime rib night!). Naturally i wasn't hungry for any of these meals since i was always full from the previous meal!. Sunday we had the Palms for lunch and then the Goldcoast buffet for dinner (steak night! ha ha). I gained 5 lbs in one day from all that eating, but luckily i lost most of it by the next day (all but 1/2 a pound). I'm too lazy to work out today as i'm tired so i'll probalby do the 5 minute work out a few times today to at least try to do some exercise ha ha.


Monday, May 23, 2005


Alright! now if everyone sees Star Wars 4 more times, then it'll make more money than Titanic ha ha ha.

Thinking back objectively i think Sith probably ranks 3rd out of the 6 movies (with Empire and then Star Wars being ahead of it). The film probably should have been a bit shorter but the last 30 minutes are the best 30 minutes ever in any Star Wars movie (if you rank it just off of that, it'd be #1).

This weekend was great. i was eating so much pizza i thought i was in heaven ha ha. I got that 5-5-5 special at Dominos so i was eating pizza for like 4 days :)

I'm currently watching the Forever Knight tv show (on DVD). I'm kinda disappointed in Sony. They crammed 5 episodes per disk onto the DVD so the image quality is suffering because of that. I've been watching episodes i'd never seen before so that was kinda cool. For those of you who don't have a clue as to what i'm talking about, Forever Knight is a story of a Toronto based cop who is an 800 year old vampire. He has become a cop to try to atone for his many years of killing and sin. Obviously he works the night shift (otherwise he'd melt in the daytime!) and he has to try to keep his vampire secret from his partner. At the same time he has to deal with his vampire master (who does not want him to become more human) and his ex lover (also vampire) who are always trying to tempt him back to his old ways.

It was a good show with an interesting premise. Too bad it was cancelled. Probably because it's canadian ha ha.

Over the weekend i did the 5 minute workout and that's about all the motiviation i had. Tonight i'll be hitting the gym again.


Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars!

The Circle is now complete!

I'll post a review later for the ones who haven't seen it so that way i don't spoil it.

For the first time ever i think, the theater at the Orleans was full and busy! Even the valet parking took a while. It seemed like a friday night at the Orleans. Darth was kicking some ass in that movie. Some of the criticism i have is that DAMN! he needs to hire someone who knows how to write the romance scenes!! There were some hooky lines in the movie but overall it was good. I'm sure there will be things i won't catch till the 9th or 10th time i see it ha ha ha.

Man it was busy at the theater! We got there over a half hour early and we still had to sit in the 6th row! So that was a bit hard to watch at that close a distance. But at least it was on the Digital Theater. So 3 or 4 more times in the theater and then 900 times on dvd and i'll be set ha ha ha.

Well the only workout yesterday was the hand motion of getting popcorn from the bucket so nothing new to report on that


Tuesday, May 17, 2005



Today's movie review is for Startup.com

This movie was released a few years ago and it documents the rise and fall of a dot com company that had a great idea but was not suited for the private sector to handle. They were the first (or one of the first) to make a website where you could link to various municiple websites to pay your parking tickets or licenses or stuff like that. Great idea but not all cities were receptive to the idea. Then of course they got caught in the big dot com bomb that exploded in 2000 (that eventually cost me my job too!)

Tomallow (meaning what i'll be watching tonight) i'll be reviewing Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and Disc 1 of the Joe Schmo Show. Well i guess i could do an initial Batman one now. It's good! But no extras on the disk :(

the Joe Schmo is the uncensored one so we'll have to see what's new in it (aside the removal of the blurred stuff).

no major workout thought as i skipped the gym yesterday. Quads were still hurting and i had to go to Costco. I did do the 5 minute workout last night though and the gymnast bridge to stretch my back and neck out though. The 50 squats squeezed out all the lactic acid so the legs aren't sore anymore so back to the gym tonight!


Monday, May 16, 2005


i watched the movie Super Size Me yesterday. I don't know if it was something unconscious but i got McDonald's for lunch yesterday before i watched it and man the food looked and tasted extra good due to that! I had actually gone to Mcdo for breakfast (10:50) but the one by my place stops serving breakfast at 10:30! Mark and Phil were right, i was getting hungry for Mcdo watching it (i watched it in two parts) in the evening i had a salad for dinner but wanted more Mcdo! So i went to get breakfast from there this morning :)

Man i couldn't believe that Morgan's (the dude in the movie) health went to hell so quickly. He gained 25 lbs in one month (he was really thin to begin with so he didn't look too bad afterwards) but all his internal stuff went downhill. I guess i'm glad i cut back on the sugar but i guess i should eat more natural foods as the doctor in the movie said that all that crap in Mcdo food can increase uric acid output and that probably won't help me gout any.

Hotel JB was empty this weekend which is good since the employee was tired and just slept all weekend :) Felt good to be lazy again :) 3 MORE DAYS! 3 MORE DAYS!
I was looking up some stuff on the Star Wars premiere in Cannes and i was shocked to see Natalie Portman shaved her head (see here) for a new movie she's doing.

I saw the last Star Trek episode on friday and it wasn't that bad. It kinda was like another episode of Next Generation (that isn't a bad thing). Maybe it'll be a good thing the franchise is put to rest for a while. When you think about it, when you've made over 600 hours worth of tv shows it can be hard to come up with fresh ideas for stuff sometimes. So now it's off to Battlestar Galactica ha ha. If this had happened (ok i'm going to into geek mode here and gasp maybe even taking myself out of my star trek closet) 6 years ago during/after Deep Space 9, i probably would've been devastated but since the quality has consistantly gone down since then (it's hard to top DS9) i don't feel like i'll miss it much ha ha.

Todays random exercise thought: Oh man Friday night was a Milestone for me. I was able to do 100 squats in a row! I've never been able to do that many. My previous record was 78 but i really pushed my body (i had done 4 sets of 25 each earlier that night and didn't even feel it so i thought i could do it). Buuuut man! on saturday till now i'm still feeling it! My Quads are still killing me! Hopefully i'll be ok when i go to the gym tonight.


Thursday, May 12, 2005



And one more day and i can sleep in all weekend ha ha. Thank Goodness Hotel JB is closed to visitors this weekend (unless something i dont' know about pops up). Good thing too since the hotel really could use a cleaning. Time to whip out that Dyson and watch it suck!

Whew i was watching GI Joe yesterday (got the DVDs) and man i feel like i was 12 again ha ha. Kinda like after i get a haircut. I'll probably watch the Thundercats DVDs when those come out. Thunder-Thunder-Thunder- THUNDERCATS HOOOOOOOOO! another tv show i'm looking forward to seeing on DVD is Titus. Man that show was so funny and so messed up it made everything else look tame in comparison.

For my geeky readers (which i don't think i have too many) the last episode(s) of Star Trek: The Phantom Men..... um Enterprise airs tomallow (in chinese accent). I think i've watched more 4th season episodes than any other season (like 4 episodes). Man this show just was not interesting. I don't know if it's because it's over saturation of Star Trek, or if it's so anticlimatic (kinda the problem of a prequel series, it would have been better as a movie, a la Star Wars), or if it's just boring. They've had some interesting things this season but not interesting enough for most since less and less people have been watching it. Tomallow's episode is interesting as (in order to get as many viewers as possible) they are having people from Next Generation guest star (so even i'll watch ha ha). It's been described as another (and better due to better special effects) TNG episode.

It's starting to get hot in Vegas (about the right time frame). Nothing like getting up at 8 am and it's 70 degrees already . Well i'm sure i'll find a way to lose weight just standing outside next month ha ha.

Todays random exercise thought: Well managed to work out twice this week and will probably go tonight too. Monday's class wasn't too bad. My arms are getting stronger (or at least have more endurance as i can do the exercises longer without stopping). Yesterday's Piyo class wasn't bad but we did a lot of ab work so i was dying from that. Tonight i think i'll do the sculpting class again (same as Monday's class but different teacher) and some running. Gotta burn off more calories so i have more space for popcorn next week he he.


Monday, May 09, 2005


Oh Man monday again :(

Yet another fun and tiring weekend at Hotel JB. This week's guest stars included Phil and Sannie. They got in late friday night (had time to go watch Kingdom of Heaven (much like Braveheart, WAY TOO DAMN LONG, but unlike Braveheart, not as good). Also worked out.

We went to the Sahara and played there for a while. Feeling the need to eat cheap food, we went to the Goldcoast which has their graveyard specials 7 days a week (though not as good as the Orlean's specials). We got up at around 10:30 or so the next day and went to the Stardust (to put in a sports bet), the Wynn, and some sightseeing. The Pacers won so that was good (Phil won his bet). We then went to this BBQ place called Memphis Championship BBQ. Being from KC (and having eaten Phil's ribs) i'm gonna be bias. The Spare Ribs were good, but the babybacks weren't. If you have to fight to seperate the ribs on a babyback, then it's not good. We were pretty full afterwards (i'm still gonna be eating ribs for the next two days). You can look at the BBQ place


Sunday we went to Treasure Island for breakfast/lunch and then did more gambling. We went to TI, Mirage, and then the Casino Royale. They have $3 craps there so we played there. I finished up $8 so i was happy. Phil and Sannie left that afternoon and then i took a nap due to no sleep over the weekend.

I just read there won't be a Episode III on IMAX. Bummer! Oh well i guess i'll have to see it 3 or 4 times in the theater and then get the DVD he he.


Friday, May 06, 2005


Friday at last! 2 more weeks and i'll have seen Star Wars once (maybe twice ha ha). Well thankfully this has been a relatively uneventful week. The weather has been a bit freaky here. Hot as hell one day and then down to 60s the next but i'm not complaining. Better than HOT all the time. Another busy weekend at Hotel JB. This weekend Phil and Sannie are coming here so it'll be another weekend of no sleep and too much eating :)

We'll go to the Wynn again and i'm sure it'll be busy again so we might park at the TI and walk over again. Man there aren't enough hours and meals in a day to eat at all the places we want to go.
It being mother's day this weekend, it hopefully shouldn't be too busy so i hope Phil and Sannie don't hit too much traffic.

Todays random exercise thought: Boy i've really been lazy about working out lately. Both due to company being here and just being lazy ha ha. This week i did work out twice (and will probably go tonight too) but i've been maintaining my weight pretty well. Between 160-165. I've been on my "Atkin's lite" diet for most of the week (but i won't be when Phil and Sannie are here! ha ha). I weight about the same but i feel better since i haven't been eating very much sugar (but oooooh yeah i've had cravings) or preservatives (mostly just grilled chicken breast and varies veggies). I usually eat yogurt for my sweets but have had a few low carb bars but i think the yogurt is better for me (in taste and in health ha ha).
I worked my arms out really hard the other night and i'm sore but not as sore as i thought i'd be. I took two 25lb dumbbells and curled them. Then i did a 50lb bar bell (curled using both arms). Did 3 sets each (so a total of 6) with very little breaks. Then did some tricep work, and then i did 3 sets of benchpress with the barbell but i did it 50 times each! so 150 total! After that i did the 25 lb dumb bells again and surprisingly i wasn't having much problems doing it. I guess that's the feeling people have when the take roids. The foot aches a bit but it's ok to walk on but it's hard to run on it since the part that hurts rubs against the shoe hard if i'm running. Might need to stick to biking tonight.


Monday, May 02, 2005

It's May!

Man i can't believe it's May already. 4 whole months just flew by this year already. But if it's May that means closer to Star Wars baby! The circle is almost complete and i'm wondering if the geeks are still lining up at the Mann's Chinese theater (despite the fact it won't play there!)

This weekend was something that hasn't happened in a long time. A new casino opened!
The Wynn

Ok to save all you non Vegas people time, the Wynn is way rich looking and looks kinda like the Bellagio with lower ceilings. It was nice since it was not too smoky since it just opened. The biggest shocker was actually outside. At all four corners by the hotel, the Police were there and actually ENFORCING no jaywalking! That is NEVER enforced in Vegas. So that was a surprise.
I'm wondering if i should institute a frequent guest card to Hotel JB. It was a busy week last week. I had company in town everyday since last monday. But i got free meals out of it so keep those people coming! ha ha.

Todays random exercise thought: Man haven't written one of these in a while. Today i'll start working out again (though the foot hurts a little i should be ok). Tomorrow for 2 weeks i'm gonna be going Atkins lite. I'm gonna be eating a structured chicken and veggies and a few other things meal plan to get some of the fat out (and if it's the gout acting up in my foot hopefully that out too!). I'll probably be hurting tomorrow since i haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks :( Bad JB!



Whew it's Wednesday already? This is a busy week at hotel JB. I have one friend in from KC who will be here till friday and then another friend from LA will be coming that night. This hasn't been a fun week. Damn foot still hurts (but it's waaaaaay better now). I don't think it was a gout issue but i don' t know (it doesn't hurt the way the gout does). The tendon i hurt back in 2001 is really stiff so i'm wondering if it had something to do with the change in cabin pressure while on the plane? It's a bit inflamed so i've been taking pain killers to try to keep the swelling down and i've gotten back most of my mobility of the foot but i think i'll lay off exercising on it till friday. Don't want to rush back too quickly (or at all ha ha).

Got some great offers in the mail from Bally's. A 2 night stay plus entry in a slot tournament for only $100! Of course the Bally's is about 1 mile from me as i right this, but that's beside the point ha ha. For anyone who wants to ask me to book it for them, let me tell you all of the offers are for the weekday so unless you're skipping work don't ask. I might do it just to pamper myself some ha ha. It'd reduce my drive to work down from 1.7 miles to about 1.4 miles ha ha ha.

One cool (well to me) thing i noticed yesterday is that the Orleans finally posted info about showing Star Wars on the DLP screen. I've seen the last 2 in DLP (and darn the luck if the one in Plano was one of the first 6 in the whole country!) so i'm glad the streak will stay intact :)

I think tonight i'll do some push ups or something because the only exercise i've been doing lately is getting fatter. I think i'll be eating a nice healthy dinner of sushi tonight as Bing wants to go to Todai and as luck would have it, she's staying at the Paris so she's next door to the Aladdin.

Oh today i saw my first hitchiker (at 8:50 in the morning too!). She was kinda "streetwalker" dressed so God knows where she was going.
